Monday, March 21, 2011

Alexandria Part Two

Photo essay, as I am on my way to catch an overnight train to Luxor.  I spent the day at the pyramids.  It was...overwhelming.  But I'll post on that later!  Enjoy some of my photos from Alexandra, the port city/former home of Cleopatria.  Maybe you've heard of her?  Sadly no pictures of her here. The only thing I did not take a picture of were the crypts.  I have never been claustrophobic or especially afraid of the dark.  But you know what?  I have always had an active imagination.  And when a place that is normally crawling with tourists featured just me and nobody else underground, wandering around in a crypt (the bodies were removed), where I had to walk around on planks of very unstable wood in places due to flooding, let me tell you: I gladly walked into a tourist trap and willingly followed around the "guard" who was the only other thing with a pulse two stories down.  I even tipped him.  Twas really cool, especially the mashup combo of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian funerary carvings in one area.  But I'm pretty sure it was responsible for my freaky dreams last night too! (I will devote a special post to the library because, hi, I am a librarian).

A pita maker in Alexandria

Pool table on the street, all racked up and ready to go.  Totally logical.

No idea what this place was, but it looked "eternal flame" important, especially the nonmoving guards.

Food Porn:  Alexandria Fish Market, first course.  Salads of all kinds AND pita.

In Egypt shrimp is also called in Viagra.  Yep.  It even holds the same promise, allegedly.  Notice my lemon juice, which is like a pisco sour with mint and no booze.  DELISH.

Fishy fish fish!

Alexandria: Boats and fort and mosque, so Egypt. 

The Alexandria King of Mango does not lie: INCREDIBLE.  It's like a mango smoothy with no ice.  I will dream of this.

Sunset along the Corniche, Alexandria.

Our train back to Cairo.  Or one of the many that faked us out because ours was late!
I am off to take an overnight train to Luxor (true story, it's actually just the tourist train; we're not allowed by the government on the regular trains to Luxor) for the next two days, so no posts until Thursday!  Survive without me and my food porn...

1 comment:

J. Hawes said...

I hope you're bringing back some of these Egyptian culinary delights. I know you're torturing me with your food porn on purpose.

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