Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I will chill out on the Hunger Games posts, I promise.  But help a sister out first.  I finally got around to reading the April 10th New York Sunday Times Magazine article profiling Suzanne Collins that everyone has been telling me I would like.  It is a good read, check it out!  However, I am infinitely more fascinated by Ryan Graber's artwork that accompanies the article. 


There was a goat in the Hunger Games?  I have no recollection of this.  Is it a sacred lamb allegory that I'm too dense to get?  Is that Peeta and Katniss, hugging at dead center?  If so, pretty sure he's supposed to be blond...  Irregardless, it's a pretty great cool piece of art that does the article justice. 


Lisa said...

Katniss's little sister has a goat, member?

PaperblogPrincess said...

You are so right. Doesn't Prim save the goat? But still, I am too dense for this one. They milk that goat, not eat it, right? Why is it in the picture filled murder?

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