- In causes near and dear to my heart, the San Juan del Sur Biblioteca is expanding, and you, me, and all of us can help. In my humble opinion, the SJDSB is the best library south of mine. You can read about my experiences there here.
- Stairways to heavenly art (having visited, I can assure you that Valparaiso, Chile's street and stair art is really all that).
- Umm...Trader Joes, you have my heart, but more importantly, you have my stomach.
- The Fug Girls did some awesome coverage of the NFL Draft. Basically all you need to know is this: "Ha Ha Clinton-Dix's name is not so funny when he's playing against your team and they JUST KEEP CALLING IT, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, because he is juicing your entire team and smearing the pulp on the field. Does that collar look crazy enormous, though? Like he's wearing a toilet seat?" Serious question: how do they get the jerseys they hold up ready in time?!
- Kids who read good learn good. Moral of the story: if you want good kids, read to them and then make sure they keep reading when they can read to you!
- The miniature book of majors.
- Well played at creating literate sailors, US Navy!
- I love Jaclyn Moriarty's books. Ergo, I enjoyed this interview with her.
- Like to play, cold? This is definitely the coolest scavenger hunt I've heard of. Well played on getting people into libraries, Coldplay!
- Looking to kill some time? Here is a list of 25 Tumblrs for readers.
- I love books. I love wine. I love it when they harmoniously unite to blow my mind. I'm looking at you, Battery Park Exchange in Asheville, NC! More book stores need to ride this wave, and soon!
- I don't really see being addicted to YA as much of a struggle so much as a badge of honor, but hey. Why not?
- Behold: the most brilliant picture book in all the lands.
- The name says it all: Novel-teas. (See also: great gifts for librarians or other book nerds, ahemhem)
- I was unaware there was going to be a Goosebumps the movie. But I'm in, because Jack Black is.
- I too now suspect that Divergent is actually about cross fit. Speaking of, no need to see the movie OR read the book. These four (FOUR) kids break it down, middle school style.
- Old but news? Eleanor and Park gets optioned.
- Here are some trailers for you:
- I'm aMazed by this Maze Runner trailer, because it might be better than what I thought - maybe even better than the book. Thoughts?
- And oh yes...you thought you'd get by with no Outlander references? You thought DEAD wrong. Behold the newest trailer, which features the highest ratio of shirtless Jamie YET. (PS. Save the date, premiere is August 9th! My place or yours?)